The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
11: Punishment, Discipline and Delinquency with Dr Martha

11: Punishment, Discipline and Delinquency with Dr Martha

A discussion with child psychologist, Dr Martha Deiros Collado, about the difference between punishment and discipline and their links between delinquency and criminality.

In this podcast episode, taken from an Instagram live discussion, I am joined by Dr Martha Deiros Collado, a child psychologist - with an important, helpful, and flourishing social media presence - to discuss the differences between punishment and discipline when it comes to raising children. Alongside this, we think about which approach to parenting has greater links to delinquent behaviour. It is a rich and nuanced discussion (I think, anyway) that has a lot of nuggets of wisdom (mostly from Martha) about what it means to be a firm but fair parent, and what the longer term benefits of this approach to parenting might be.

Dr Martha has also launched her very own podcast, “Talking Sense”, which I have no doubt will be so helpful and informative. So go and check that out, too.

As always, if you like this episode, please do rate it, share it, and get in touch with any thoughts you may have to share.

Thanks as always.


The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
Talking shit about things I think are important (and hopefully you think are important, too)