The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
13: Discussing Andrew Tate with James Oliver

13: Discussing Andrew Tate with James Oliver

Two men discussing the recent social media storm surrounding Andrew Tate, the state of masculinity, and the link between compassion and accountability for people who do horrible things.

Over the last month or so, social media has been swept up by the increased presence - and subsequent removal - of Andrew Tate, the self-proclaimed “King of Toxic Masculinity”. Today’s episode is a discussion about this recent social media phenomenon, and to discuss it with me is James Oliver (@thecompassionateman). James released several pieces of social media content in relation to the “rise” of Andrew Tate, which we talk about.

The conversation covers some speculation about how Andrew Tate became as big as he did, the current state of masculinity, and what compassion looks like when it relates to someone like Andrew Tate (and in general, those who have done harmful things). More specifically we think about how compassion relates to accountability. This discussion entails holding two opposing views at the same time, which make it a tricky conversation to have. But I think James and I do it justice. Or maybe we don’t. I will let you decide.

If you think the conversation was one worth of sharing, please do so. Additionally, if you appreciate the show, do rate it, recommend it to your friends, and I would be grateful if you could leave a comment, too.

As always, all the best,


The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
Talking shit about things I think are important (and hopefully you think are important, too)