The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
24: Calum Stronach and the #NotAllMen Podcast

24: Calum Stronach and the #NotAllMen Podcast

I’m really pleased to bring you this episode with Calum Stronach, nutritionist and disordered eating specialist, and (more importantly) host of the #NotAllMen Podcast. A podcast that seeks to challenge the #notallmen hashtag and (as Calum likes to say) hold up a mirror to masculinity as it currently stands. The idea being that there are often many ways that the current framework of masculinity limits or negatively impacts men and those around them. And this podcast seeks to explore how that occurs in many different aspects of life.

I speak to Calum about some of these things, but more interestingly (at least to me) I discuss what impact hosting the podcast has had on him.

I really enjoyed having Calum on and enjoyed exploring his insight and developments with him. Hopefully you enjoy it, too.

As always, if you did like this, please share it with others, rate and subscribe to the podcast, or leave a review. Every bit of feedback helps.

Have a great day (or don’t, no pressure!)


The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
Talking shit about things I think are important (and hopefully you think are important, too)