The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
34: Boundaries (and More)

34: Boundaries (and More)

I am joined by Dr Bekah Shallcross to discuss boundaries within a patriarchal society.

Last weekend some text messages were released by Sarah Brady, a surfer, model, and the former girlfriend of Jonah Hill. The messages were released on Brady’s Instagram stories. They quickly went viral, most notably for highlighting what Brady inferred to be controlling and demands requests made by Hill, which he described as his “boundaries” for their relationship. The release of these messages sparked some heated debate across social media with some polarizing views.

In this discussion, Dr Bekah Shallcross joins me in a rambling conversation that covers the nuances of what boundaries are, what they are not, how boundaries are upheld and agreed to between men and women In a patriarchal society, and what can be done to change this.

As always, please get in touch to let me or Dr Shallcross know your thoughts. And if you think anyone would benefit from hearing this episode, please do share it with them. Also, if you could leave a rating or a comment to let others know this show isn’t a bag of shite, that would be wonderful too.

All the best,



The Nice-ish Ramblings
The Nice-ish Ramblings Podcast
Talking shit about things I think are important (and hopefully you think are important, too)